
Let us know if you care for someone

We are interested in identifying carers, especially those people who may be caring without help or support. We know that carers are often looking after a family member or helping a friend or neighbour with day to day tasks and may not see themselves as a carer.

We feel that caring for someone is an important and valuable role in the community, which is often a 24-hour job that can be very demanding and isolate for the career. We further believe carers should receive appropriate support by way of access to accurate information on a range of topics such as entitlement to benefits and respite care and not least, a listening ear when things get too much.

If you are a carer, this is an opportunity to let the Practice now so that we can update our records and pass on your details to the Carer’s Service who can provide relevant information and advice and local support

Please ask the receptionist or complete the section in the New Patient Questionnaire if you are a carer and return it to the surgery.

Our Carers Champion is Mrs Anne Murphy.

What to expect from your GP Poster